The Hoodwitch

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Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Aries New Moon is asking us to be bold. Standing face to face with our deepest fears will require us to act boldly. If we are willing to be honest with ourselves, then we can squash the talk and doubt in our heads that’s been holding us back and attain our best lives. 

The New Moon and Venus share an opening square with Pluto, allowing us to make changes that will be the beginning of the journey we’re committing to. The caveat is that we may let the negative vibes of Pluto stand in the way of attaining our goals, as we are scared of evolving and moving forward. Change is hard. After all, we are creatures of comfort. However, it’s essential to move towards newness and allow ourselves to feel new emotions, passions, and desires. 

The opposite sentiment can lead to stagnation, which can make us feel stuck and frustrated. Don’t fight or rush the process. Move in flow of the cosmos. But, take your time towards achieving growth. The other side of this aspect can lead to a deep healing and to an attainment of spiritual transformation.

 Jupiter and Mars lend a helping hand to this energy, by allowing us to discuss our plans for the future. Mercury and Mars, who are in mutual reception, are giving us the motivation to resolve the past by moving into the next vision and committing to a new journey. A new cycle is beginning. Are you ready? 

*The Aries New Moon occurs on April 11th at 7:31PM PST and 10:31PM EST. 

New Moon Ritual

This luminary will force us to embrace our shadow side in order to move forward without fear. In order to do so, we’ll have to do glamour magic to encourage confidence and power (both are descriptions and elements of Pluto) to attain our desires. 


Take a mirror and lay it by the windowsill under the New Moon. Let the moon’s energy radiate and ignite the mirror with passion. After you’ve meditated on your personal affirmation and when you’re feeling ready, write down your mantra on a piece of paper. Affix it to the mirror. State the affirmation five times while staring at yourself in the mirror. When you’re done, state one thing, habit, or phobia that you would like to rid yourself of. Then, write it on a piece of paper and bury it in the dirt, flush it down the toilet, or burn it to ensure that you never hold onto that sentiment again. Practice your affirmations every morning and night to make sure that your visions come to fruition swiftly.