The Hoodwitch

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Artwork by Marina Podstrigich

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Libra Full Moon occurs on March 28th and aims to bring balance back into our lives, although it may be hard. The scales will be tested, as Venus and the centaur Chiron, who are in Aries, will oppose the Libra Moon. Healing can take place, due to Chiron’s presence. But, only if we are ready and accepting of the work that we have to do. 

The past few days have brought us many obstacles relating to love, money, and confidence. March 26th’s Venus Star Point in Aries (the 10-12 month cosmic meetup of the Sun and Venus), along with Mars’ connection with the North Node of Destiny in Gemini is allowing us to go after what we want in relationships. The caveat is that we’re seeing things through tunnel vision and our own perspectives. We haven’t been looking at matters through the lens of partnerships. Now, we can assess and repair situations with others by mending our past wounds. More importantly, the relationship we have with ourselves. 

The Full Moon aims to center relationships and give everyone a new footing to stand on. Saturn comes in and adds a dash of practicality, stability, and commitment. If we work hard in matters of the heart, then we will be rewarded for our efforts. The lesson here is that love hurts. It can also heal and build stronger foundations for all parties involved. 

The Sabian Symbol for this luminary is “Three ‘Old Masters’ Hanging On The Wall Of A Special Room In An Art Gallery.” This can be interpreted as the stages of a relationship (the meeting, the honeymoon phase, and the commitment). We can craft the relationship that we want (even with and for ourselves) if we are ready to let go of old hang ups and move forward. 

The fixed star Vindemiatrix is in orb for this Full Moon. It will give us the motivation to create the life and partnerships that we want, if we trust the process and the universe in allowing us to evolve our hearts.

*The Libra Full Moon occurs on March 28th at 11:49AM PDT and 2:49PM EDT.

Full Moon Ritual: 

A lot of healing around love and self-love is necessary during this Full Moon. A bath with Epsom salt, white rose petals, rose quartz, and Florida water will allow us to detox, cleanse, and repair our hearts and confidence. Follow the bath up with a light pink candle to remedy matters. Also, do something nice for yourself. Treat yourself to a sweet dessert, dinner, or rest to fully embrace the Venusian (the planetary ruler of the Libra Moon is Venus) vibes throughout the day.