The Hoodwitch

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The Aquarius New Moon

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The Age of Aquarius is in full gear! February 11th brings the Aquarius New Moon. This luminary occurs while we are experiencing a mega Aquarius stellium (the Sun, Mercury, Venus, Jupiter, and Saturn are transiting the sign of Aquarius). Now, the Moon is adding an emotional component to the mix, forcing us to start anew and embrace growth on a global level. 


The passionate asteroid Pallas will add a desirous and fiery vibe to the airy energy. Pallas was “born ready” to attain greatness. Being the sister of Mars, she learned the art of fighting and winning at a young age. Not only will this bring a competitive and sassy flavor to the New Moon, but it will allow us to master the art of negotiation and understanding with others. Pallas will remind us of our past indiscretions, mishaps, and will teach us the importance of thinking before reacting. It’ll show us the importance of strategizing the best methods in attaining our goals, rather than letting our emotions cloud our actions. 


The Sabian Symbol for this luminary is “A Man, Having Overcome His Passions, Teaches Deep Wisdom In Terms Of His Experience.” Through introspection, we can gain clarity. Meditate on what you want to bring in and release from your life. This will help us get rid of the clutter and give us the opportunity to access our deepest desires. The lucky fixed star Sadalsuud aligns with the Sun and Moon. This means that it’s a wonderful time to set intentions and manifest dreams (with caution due to Mercury’s current backspin). 


The only caveat is that Mercury is retrograde. Therefore, our goals will be slow to start or have an unpredictable effect as a result. Be careful about what you want to bring into your life, as the desired result may not come to full fruition. If you’re unsure of letting go of a relationship or situation, then don’t. You can put it on ice until you decide what you want to do and how you wish to proceed. 


Overall, it’s an amazing time to move towards our unique visions. Not letting anything stand in the way of our dreams will be crucial. Lean into your unique sentiments. Own it. Be it. Live it. 


*The New Moon in Aquarius occurs on February 11th at 11:05AM PDT and 2:05PM EDT.



New Moon Ritual:


A clarity spell will help us work through the Mercurial blunders brought on from the retrograde, as well as center our energies on what we should be harnessing during this New Moon.



Violet or Indigo Candle

A piece of parchment or wish paper 

A fireproof/safe cauldron, bowl, or dish 



Meditate on what you want the universe to tell you. Light the candle. Write down your intention and what you wish to manifest on the paper. Safely burn the paper in the cauldron, bowl, or dish in the sink. Leave the ashes in the bowl. Within a few days or week, you’ll receive insights from the universe that will allow you to make essential and necessary changes.