The Hoodwitch

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Mars Retrograde

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

Action planet Mars starts its retrograde journey on September 9th in fiery Aries. For the next three months, we will be moving at a slower than usual speed, which will create irritations, ambiguity, and annoyances along the way.


During this time, we will all be lost in our passions as it may be hard to bring our goals to fruition. We may feel extra stuck and unable to move forward with projects, due to Mars’ planetary backspin. Emotions will be heightened, impulses met with a stalemate, and sensual desires may be stagnant or erratic. Don’t overexert energies. Take a moment to relax, rather than pushing yourself to the max. Tempers and frustrations will be high; therefore, it’s important to step back from situations when they become too hot to handle. 


The retrograde will last from September 9th until November 13th. However, we’ve been feeling this energy since Mars started to slow down in Aries on July 25th, when the pre-retrograde zone started. We’ll be working with this energy throughout the remainder of the year, as Mars will leave its post-retrograde degrees on January 2nd, 2021. 



Here’s what Mars Retrograde in Aries will mean for your zodiac sign:



You'll be looking to get some steam off your chest. However, it’s not a good time for confrontation or rational conversations as you may get met with resistance along the way to finding out truths.



Your energy levels will be depleted on all fronts, making you choose sleep over strenuous activities. Give yourself time to rest before you overwork, overextend, and overexert yourself. Relax and chill over the next months. 



You may be the victim of emotional projection, due to drama with friends. The good news is that you’ll be able to revise and augment relationships. You can deepen these friendships after the troubles manifest. 



You’ll now begin to realize that as long as you put effort into a project or relationship, you have already won and done the most you can. You get an A for effort and care. 



It’s ok to be sentimental and long for the good old days once in a while. You’ll find that being reflective is essential in helping you move forward in the next direction of your life. 



You’re at a crossroads. Rekindling a  romance may prove harder than you thought. Don’t give up! If you’re willing to give your all to make it work, then your relationship has a high success rate. 



You’re spending too much time trying to get it right with your partner, that you’ve lost sight of your relationship goals. Step back from arguing and spend time reconnecting with them on a sensual level. 



Be cognizant of possible miscommunications and cross-wires that can happen during the next three months. Try to understand people and divisions on a clearer and more concise level to avoid conflicts and disagreements with others. 



Do not make rushed investments or impetuous decisions without thinking things through thoroughly. Weigh the pros and cons of placing a gamble on an unknown outcome before you take an unpredictable roll of the dice. 



Instead of pushing yourself to full capacity, try exerting 3/4 of that energy in all of the projects you undertake. Don’t burn the candle at both ends. Slow and steady work always wins the race. 



You’re putting too much pressure on yourself to succeed at every task you take on. Give yourself a break! No one is perfect. You’re doing the best you can. Be kind and gentle to yourself.



It will be challenging to stay on top of debts during the next three months. Make a budget to ensure you don’t overspend and have money leftover in your bank account for a rainy day. 



Witchtips for Mars Retrograde:


Every Tuesday (Mars’ Day) from September 9th to November 13th, use the cosmic energy to ignite the power of the warrior planet. Take a new red candle every or every other Tuesday (the color of Mars and Aries) and carve your name or initials into the candle, along with your zodiac sign. Write a weekly letter of intention in which you state what you want to gain and manifest. When you’re done writing the letter of intention, fold it in half and place under a bowl. Fill a bowl up ¼ of the way with water, then place the red candle in the bowl and light the candle to bring your desires to life. 


Being that Aries is the sign of “the self” and Mars rules this fiery sign, it’s important that we give ourselves as much self-care and self-love as possible. Don’t let anyone steal your thunder or make you feel less than amazing. If they do, then it’s time to cut them loose and let go of that relationship. Implementing self-care rituals like sex magic or a healing bath into your weekly repitoire is important. Reciting daily affirmations in front of a mirror or dressing up in Mars’s color red (glamour  magic) will help you to recognize your potential, awesomeness, and ignite the spark within.