The Hoodwitch

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Astrology by Lisa Stardust


This week is astrologically and emotionally intense. Please be gentle  to others and yourselves. We all are experiencing similar situations (even if it doesn’t seem that way). Give people a break if they are acting up. Give others the compassion you crave. We can get through this together, if we practice love and kindness. 

Venus enters Gemini on April 3rd, which will force us all to embrace reason and intellect over emotion. The caveat to this energy, is that Mercury and Neptune align in Pisces on the same day, making emotions and communication challenging. Venus and Saturn, who’s in Aquarius, softly connect on the 4th, adding structure to our finances and hearts. Jupiter and Pluto link up in Capricorn on the 4th (the first time since 1771), giving us the courage to stand up and fight for our rights. The Super Full Pink Moon in Libra occurs on the 7th will give us the opportunity to reassess relationships and finances. The same day, Mercury connects with Jupiter and Pluto, adding anxiety and uncertainty to our dreams. Mars, who’s in Aquarius, squares off with Uranus, who’s in Taurus, on the 7th, adding more intensity and emotionality into our lives. 


March 21 - April 19

This week will ramp up the drama in your life. With everything in life, you have the choice to disconnect from the intensity and focus your energies on other more important matters. However, you may not choose to pursue the higher road and opt to argue with others. Before fighting for the sake of letting your frustrations out, try to take stock of the bigger picture of the situation. Breathe in deeply and let go.


April 20 - May 20

Take the pressure off your shoulders by releasing yourself from the outdated notions you’ve had. Times are changing very fast, and you need to transform with them. Instead of ensuring that the pre-planned future unravels the way it should, understand that those plans may not come to fruition. The future is a blank canvas. You can create the visions you want. Let go of the control you have on situations and commit to not committing. 


May 21 - June 20

Authenticity is important to you at this moment. Learning how to tap into your truest self will motivate others in your social sphere to do the same. When you open yourself up to creative activities that you love, then you will be able to evoke your inner passions and desires. This will result in you finding peace within, personal fulfillment, and emotional strength. Dare to be real. Embrace your creative gifts and talents this week. 


June 21 - July 22

Your tough shell will help you navigate through intense situations this week. Use your spirituality to connect to your objectives through meditation. By activating your mind, you will be able to attain your goals fast. Abundance and success is on the way, as long as you maintain an openness with the universe and an  optimistic attitude. Then, you will be able to maintain the life goals you intimately desire and achieve the visions you want.


July 23 - August 22

Take time out of your day to practice your affirmations. Look into a mirror and recite your own personal statement about how fabulous and wonderful you are. This practice will help you connect to yourself and feel more confident during these uncertain times. Finding the fierce power that lies within yourself is key right now. With the right vision and words, you will find the tenacity to get through the days during the darkest hours.


August 23 - September 22

This week allows you to shift the focus from others back on to you. While you have been lost in the collective, as we all have been during these times, you have lost sight of the most important person— YOU. The road to discovering your most authentic self will force you to stop caring what others think, so stick to your convictions, and serve to boost your self-esteem. A creative outlet will help you on your journey. 


September 23 - October 22

You’ve been through a lot in your life, yet you always maintain a cool and collected attitude. Now, you deserve the right to fall apart a little bit on the inside, as the world has taken a sharp turn in the opposite direction of which you were headed. Let yourself feel your feels. Cry. Scream. Rant and rave. Release all of the built up energy that is stagnant within you and wanting to be released. 


October 23 - November 21

Your dreams and visions are prominent now, as your psychic abilities are strengthened at the moment. Use your innate sixth sense (which is heightened now) and your inner wisdom to your advantage. Journal your premonitions and dreams. Try to understand them on a deeper level. They hold the key to your salvation and understanding of yourself (as well as the world around you). You can transform your life, if you listen to the voice within. 


November 22 - December 21

Connect with your coven this week to change the world. By channeling your energies together, you can manifest your desires and help transform the universe (even virtually). Energy and power can  transcend time and space. Together, you are all stronger, as your magical abilities can triple. Think of an intention and set it. Use your strengths for good and to help transform lives for the better. You can help make the changes we need now. 


December 22 - January 19

Stepping into the great unknown is scary. However, with the right mindset, you can tackle your fears and be able to navigate your way through these current uncertain times. If anyone can change the dynamic and figure out solutions, it’s you. Don’t lose faith in yourself or the tasks at hand. By adding a dash of extra positivity to your mindset, you’ll be able to achieve anything and squash  the worries that consume your thoughts. 


January 20 - February 18

This week allows you to reflect outwardly, as you look for answers within society to understand the recent global events. Go on social media and assert your feelings, fears, doubts, and uncertainties. Look for comfort and knowledge from your online community and friends. Don’t be afraid to speak up in the name of justice and truth while looking for answers. Your inquisitive mind is thirsty for information and insights that will make you more knowledgeable. 


February 19 - March 20

Being the sensitive creature that you are, it’s easy to absorb the emotions of others. This week, you are setting boundaries with the amount of unnecessary drama you interact with, as you are focusing on your needs and emotions. Rather than listening to the news and trivial gossip, give yourself a break from the noise of the world. Center yourself. Take a few deep breaths and close your eyes. Meditate on your desires and wishes.