The Hoodwitch

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New Moon In Aries 2020


 Astrology by Lisa Stardust

March 24th brings the Aries New Moon, which will inspire hope in us all — which is needed during the current tumultuous times. Now, more than ever, we want to commit to projects and people who motivate us and help us align our hearts with our passions. The collective energy is fired up and ready to spread their wings toward their desires. 


The past few months have been intense. This luminary is the pop we crave to release the built up energy. We have to take a stand and fight for what we love. We are currently facing our own mortality. Through this process, we are seeing and learning about what matters most to us. The conscious shift within is happening under this New Moon. We are blossoming and transforming in ways we didn’t even know were possible. 


Being that the New Moon in Aries (the planetary ruler of Aries is Mars) occurs on Tuesday, which is Mars’ Day, it’s a super potent time to manifest. Also, Mars is currently in Capricorn, it’s exaltation. The magical and cosmic energy is very strong and powerful during this New Moon. 


This luminary connects with the healing centaur Chiron and Dark Moon Lilith, who are both currently in Aries. Chiron will serve to help us mend past emotional wounds. While Dark Moon Lilith is reminding us that we need to defend our visions and dreams — at all costs. We will have to look deep within ourselves to find strength to rise above our current limitations.


The Nodes of Destiny square the New Moon, adding a decisive and action oriented energy. We will be pushed to let go of people and situations that are no longer allowing us to live our highest potential. This is our cosmic wake up call. It’s now or never. Let go or be dragged. 



*The New Moon will occur on March 24th at 2:28AM PST and 5:28AM EST. 



Aries Moon Healing Activity for the Collective


Times are intense. Rather than having a New Moon ritual, it’s more fitting to do a meditation for the collective under this luminary to help heal others. 


Write down your wish for the world on a piece of paper. 


Hold it close to your heart. 


Take a white or blue candle and light it. 


Draw a circle of protection with your index finger in the air and connect to the astral plane.


Meditate on your hopes for humanity for 5 minutes on the astral plane.


Feel the love pouring out of you. 


Allow yourself to connect with others.


Open your heart to them. 


Send them warm wishes and inspiring messages.


Send them love and light. 


Now, open your eyes. 


Be still for 1 minute, while you hold your heart with your hands and let peace flow through your body.