The Hoodwitch

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The Cold Moon in Cancer

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

December 29th brings the last Full Moon of 2020 in the sign of tender Cancer. This luminary will bring a big emotional ending to 2020, by clearing up and releasing matters that haven’t been addressed throughout the year. The Cancer Full Moon is an important time for releasing and letting go of all of the negativity from 2020 (which as we all know is much needed) as we enter 2021. 

Being that this Full Moon will occur in Cancer, we can expect repressed feelings to come to the surface which will push the floodgates open. Add in “Great Awakener” Uranus and healing centaur Chiron (“the wounded healer, who ironically could not heal himself”). 

We will be forced to see things that we hadn’t before (all of which we didn’t see coming). This eye opening Full Moon will urge us to reflect about what we are giving to others versus what they’re giving to us. There will be a lot of tears. Keep in mind that crying is actually good for the body and soul. It releases pent up anxieties and frustrations, as well as endorphins and oxytocin (feel good chemicals in our bodies). Therefore, it’s important to unlock your feelings and let all of your emotions flow out. 

The Full Moon will push us outside of our comfort zones. It’s important to take care of oneself during this luminary. A soothing and healing bath will help us feel better about our situations and relationships. Also, give us more self-love — which is what we need right now. 

*The Cold Full Moon occurs on December 29th at 7:28PM PDT and 10:28PM EDT. 

Full Moon Ritual: 


½-1 Cup of Dried or Fresh Rose Petals

½-1 Cup of Lemon Verbena or Lemon Peel 

½-1 Cup of Epsom Salt 

¼ Cup of Milk 

3 Cups of Water 


Place all ingredients in a mixing bowl. Bring water to a boil in a pot. Let the water cool and then drain all the ingredients out. Dispose of them. Add the milk in the cool water. Use the water in a bath or pour over your body from the shoulders down in a shower.