The Hoodwitch

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Artwork by Morysetta

Astrology by Lisa Stardust


The year is almost over and we still have a ton of cosmic drama left to get through. Mars, who’s in Aries, and Pluto, who’s in Capricorn, square off on December 23rd. Tensions will reach a boiling point, causing emotions to erupt. Mercury, who’s in Capricorn, and Uranus, who’s retrograde in Taurus, connect giving us the opportunity to understand our feelings from a different perspective on the 25th. Two days later, the Sun chimes and gives us the chance to rebel against the constraints that have held us back. The Cold Full Moon in Cancer occurs on December 29th, giving us all a big release of everything that we’ve been holding in. 




In order to keep the spark fresh, it’s important to put the work into relationships. This doesn’t mean that you have to send love notes every day to your partner, but you should try to make them feel as though they are important to you— especially if outside forces interfere.



While you may be drawn to over extend yourself this week, consider using your hardworking effervescence to create stability with both the private and public areas of your life. Harmonizing these energies together will create stability and inner peace. Then, you can have a few moments of calm for yourself.



Stepping up your understanding of money matters will help you make more lucrative and better investments in the future. Looking deep into your money situation is key in planting the seeds for your financial wellbeing, as well as getting clarity on the importance of embracing your spirituality and the immaterial.



Your fuse is short this week. There is an emotional storm brewing within, making all of your inner sentiments reach a heightened state. Before you get into a power struggle or argument with those in your inner circle, take a moment to calm down. Be gentle with yourself and others.



Don’t get too caught up in your rapturous feels that you forget about all the mundane responsibilities you have in your life. Take stock about what is important to you at the moment and lean into that sentiment with caution. Split up your time and energy to get everything done.



As the year comes to an end, it’s important to reflect and take note of everything that you’ve achieved in the past year. This will help you gain insight into where you’re going in the upcoming year. Then, you will know exactly what you need to manifest and bring in.



All of the world is watching what you do (or at least it feels that way). Before jumping into anything, make sure that you dip your toes in the water first. This will make it seem less fearful and scary when you feel as though others are judging your actions.



Taking the high road is hard to do at times, especially when you know that you’re right in your sentiments. Before asserting and expressing yourself without care, consider taking a step back and cooling off. Then, you can find the right words to let people know how you accurately feel.



Change is hard, but necessary. As long as you are honest with yourself, then you can soar. But, if you choose to ignore what you should do then you won’t make any progress and remain stuck. Transform at your own pace. Don’t rush yourself. Take your time. Ebb and flow.



Entering into a new relationship or mending issues with others can bring up concerns that exist within. You will have to take a leap of faith at the moment and trust that the partnership is worth the effort. Be in the moment and move forward in the relationship with ease.



Taking care of day-to-day tasks will be hard to do, as you’re in the mood to chill and enjoy the seasonal festivities— not work yourself to the bone. It’s ok to hit the snooze button a few times, sleep in, and do errands leisurely. It’s the best form of self-care.



A creative project is now coming to a close, allowing you to put your energy in new endeavors. Before you take on another artistic venture, take some time to yourself and relax. Don’t bite off more than you can chew and get rest. Then, go full force forward in work.