The Hoodwitch

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The Solar Eclipse in Sagittarius

Astrology by Lisa Stardust

The only total solar eclipse of 2020 is occurring on December 14th in Sagittarius. This luminary serves as a big emotional release. It will bring up a lot of sentiments that are buried beneath the surface and give us the chance to heal the past — if we are ready to. 

The solar eclipse aspects Mercury, Mars, Neptune, and the South Node of Destiny, which means we will meet the karmic energy with ambivalence and uncertainty. While we will want to take action around expressing our feelings, there will be an uncertainty around how we can let others know exactly how we feel. 

This plenary line up will even bring past life fears into play (especially with the eclipse’s alignment with the South Node of Destiny), making us feel too lost in our feelings to know which road to choose in present times. It is a wonderful time to release old ways of thinking and quit a bad habit. Letting go is always hard. If we have faith and believe in ourselves it can be done during this luminary. 

Mercury and Neptune’s presence will create  miscommunications, exhaustion, and strong intuition within us all. Do not believe all that you hear, there is a lot of information missing from the story.  If you feel as though something is amiss in others, you may be right. The caveat is that it may be hard to pin down exactly what people are hiding. Again, don’t jump to conclusions and create drama. The truth will come out in time. Be patient. The flip side to this energy, is that we may be lying to ourselves, but may not know it yet. The greatest form of deception are the lies we force ourselves to believe, even if it goes against our intuition. 

This luminary falls between the fixed stars Rasalhague and Lesath. Rasalhague can heighten emotions, while Lesath adds a fogginess to our thoughts. Both stars will push us to act swiftly and think later. But, we really shouldn’t move in any direction until we have all of the details. Not knowing the full story can backfire, crafting bigger issues to form. 

The Sabian Symbol for the solar eclipse is “A Bluebird Perched On The Gate Of A Cottage.” This gives light to the notion embracing one’s spirituality, which may be hard to hone into at this time. In order to be happy, it’s essential for us to be generous with others. Embrace the higher vibration of Sagittarius and Neptune. Using our hearts to radiate unconditional love (even to those who have wronged us) will allow us all to connect and get along. It’s important to note that we don’t have to keep people in our lives who haven’t been kind and have proven to be toxic to our wellbeing. But, we may be inclined to forgive (not forget) their actions (which is dependent upon if they are forgivable actions). Healing is key. 

This luminary is intense. It will bring up a lot of emotions within. Please be gentle, kind, and compassionate with yourselves. And, others as well. The energy is contagious. Treat others how you wish to be treated, so they can use the same vibe in their dealings with people in their orbs.

*The solar eclipse occurs on December 14th at 8:16AM PDT and 11:16AM EDT.

Solar Eclipse Ritual

Light a white candle. Sit in a quiet room and close your eyes. Let yourself relax and unwind. Allow yourself to connect to the rhythms of the universe. Focus on healing your mind, heart, past, and present state of mind. Then, you can tap into what you want to release. Once you find what needs to go in your life, write it down on a piece of paper. Carefully burn it or rip it up. Throw the ashes out. Release it into the world and don’t look back.