The Hoodwitch

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Artwork by Pierre Kiandjan

Written By Jessica Lanyadoo

Witch Tips

The Sun and Mars enter playful Leo early this week, and that means that it’s time to let the light in, lovelies! Before that solar shift happens, we have one more kick in the pants from the Sun in Cancer though; watch out from the 19th-21st as the planet that governs our sense of self forms a challenging Square to disruptive Uranus. This transit will bring about sudden changes, upsetting conditions, and unexpected shifts in power. This is a great time for exploration and creating reform but a terrible one for making things more secure. Be open to learning something that you didn’t think was true, and keep your gossiping to a minimum as it’s likely to come back to haunt you.

These days can also trigger restless anxiety, so make sure that when you’re feeling nervous, you try to get grounded and breathe into the present moment as much as possible. My two favorite anti-anxiety Witch supplies are lavender for the nervous system and amethyst for protection and calming the mind.

Amethyst & Lavender are both available HERE

The big news this week happens on the 23rd with the New Moon at 2:46 am PST. This New Moon in Leo is the first of two New Moons in the sign of play and creativity this summer – the second one will be the Great American Eclipse on August 23rd. It’s rare to have two New Moons in the same sign – we usually only get one per year. Trust that whatever comes up now will be extra meaningful and  intense. None of this is made more chill by the fact that passionate Mars is sitting pretty much on top of this Moon. Be open to learning about your ego, lovers. Leo can be self-involved and arrogant, and the Moon has a hard time seeing other people’s experiences when it gets too emo. How you assert yourself, how you evaluate your own or others' merits, what you feel entitled to take, or the priority you place on getting yours is likely to be staring you straight in the face this week. Instead of devolving into defensiveness, embrace the fullness of what you are and how you do! Embrace the work of directing yourself where you want to go, even if it seems like it’ll be a lot of work.

TBH the Universe has got you in a corner because from the 23rd-25th compromising Venus will be opposite rigid Saturn. This will further the need for you to make sure that that your actions are an accurate reflection of your values. Saturn can make you feel lonely and hyper-critical of your looks, your relationships, and how you come across to others. Your best course of action is to get aligned with yourself and not worry so much about what others do or don’t think about you.





March 21-April 19

What you want and what’s in your best interest are not always the same thing, my love. This week your impulses will be zinging, and it would be easy to jump to conclusions and get deeply invested in something that you don’t yet fully understand. Instead of looking outside of yourself for answers, practice checking in with what’s underneath your feels, Aries. By better understanding your impulses, you can make better, more effective choices.




April 20-May 20

This is it, Taurus. You’re in a powerful state of manifestation, and that’s either going to be a very good or a very bad thing for you this week. Where your emotions are fixated is where you’ll see results, so get real about what you’re resonating with. If you’re on a diet and eating healthily but focused on how much you hate your body as it is, you’re likely to manifest more of your pain. Get your feels and your thoughts on the same page, my love.




May 21-June 21

What you value is not a theoretical thing – it’s reflected in your actions on the daily. This week is likely to bring about an encounter with your choices that crystallizes a reality you’ve been avoiding, Twin Star. Instead of defending your behavior or justifying your right to do as you please, first make sure that you mean it. This is an excellent time to face facts and redirect your life. Confront the truth; you’ll be better for it, I promise.




June 22-July 22

It’s essential that you’re honest, Moonchild. You don’t need to fix anyone’s feels, you just have to show up. Be honest with yourself about what you’re feeling and why. Then you’ve got to share that truth with the people you trust. You’re not right or wrong, good or bad – you’re a complex and layered person. It’s OK if things are messy and you have contradicting feels. Own your perspective because the truth is true, whether you want it to be or not, my love.




July 23-Aug. 22

On July 23rd, we have a New Moon in your sign, and it’s related to the upcoming New Moon in Leo, also known as the Great American Eclipse on 8/21. (You usually only get one New Moon in your sign per year!) This is not the time for messing around, Leo; this is a special time in history, and a meaningful time for you, personally. How you show up and who you chose to be are extra crucial because of this unusual lunar activity. If you allow yourself to be emotionally present, you will discover profound heartfelt truths.





Aug. 23-Sept. 22

As the world around you changes, you must change too. This week isn’t meant to be stable, it’s meant to be a time of expansion. Maintain your self-care without attachments, Virgo. what I mean to say is that you shouldn’t try to direct the flow of your life this week because new data is coming in that will help you change or expand your perspectives. You can’t benefit from this if you’re not open to seeing things differently though. Open your heart and your mind, Virgo.




Sept. 23-Oct. 22

Things are gonna come at you real fast this week, so now’s the time to address your ambiguities, Libra. If you don’t know what you want, you may buy into a plan that is great – just not great for you. Cultivate the kind of self-reference that supports you in knowing the difference between a crush on a person or situation versus a crush on their crush on you. All that glitters is not gold, my friend. Use your discretion, and don’t be scared of saying no this week.




Oct. 23-Nov. 21

Instead of seeking to avoid problems, embrace them, Scorpio. This is an excellent time to get things done that you’ve long been putting off. This may not be an easy week, but it doesn’t have to be bad either. Identify the material limitations you’ve been feeling blocked by, and write a three point plan of what you can begin to do to tackle them. You don’t need to fix anything, but you should set your sites on proactive steps to improve your life this week.




Nov. 22-Dec. 21

Feeling lonely is the pits. It’s a restless place to be, but in truth it’s important to be able to take a step back from people and really be with yourself. This week you may feel a bit off when it comes to your relationships, but there’s a big picture reason for it; you need you. If you’ve become caught up in other people’s opinions, you’re likely to have lost track of your own. Reconnect with your inner world without needing to get attention to validate your efforts, my love.




Dec. 22-Jan. 19

Things aren’t supposed to stay the same, Cappy. You are meant to change and grow, and as you do, you’re inevitably going to outgrow some things that you’ve come to rely on. This week may be challenging because you’re on call to do things differently and you only theoretically wanna. Allow space for your heart to drag behind your head if you need to; just don’t leave it in the dust.




Jan. 20-Feb. 18

The New Moon on the 23rd in your relationship house is an important moment for everyone, but you’re likely to feel it in an extra sort of way. This week your relationships will come into focus for you, so ready or not, it’s time to cope. Who you chose to invest your energy in and what you consent to participating in are on you. Be the friend, partner, child, or neighbor that you want to be, even if it takes bringing greater intention into all of your interactions this week.




Feb. 19-March 20

At the end of the day you need to like yourself. It’s really easy to get caught up in what you think others want, or your projections into what others think about you, or what’s even possible for you to do based on other’s opinions. But it’s all a fool’s errand. Make sure you believe in the direction of your life, be damned what anyone else says. Commit your actions in the direction you need to so that you like the person you are in the here and now, Pisces.