The Hoodwitch

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The Hoodwitch: Weekly Horoscopes For December 23, 2016

Moon Void of Course Times (Eastern Time Zone)

Friday, December 23, 9:32 am, Moon enters Scorpio

Sunday, December 25, 2:22 am, Moon void in Scorpio

Sunday, December 25, 10:19 pm, Moon enters Sagittarius

Tuesday, December 27, 8:45 pm, Moon void in Sagittarius

Wednesday, December 28, 10:12 am, Moon enters Capricorn

Written by Amelia Quint

Moon Phase: Waning to Dark

Under the waning moon, work magick to diminish that which you no longer desire, to conceal that which you wish to keep secret, or to wrap up loose ends. Banishing and binding rituals are powerful now, as are uncrossing and protection spells. Under the dark moon, divination is especially potent.


During these signs, work magick around the following:

Scorpio- privacy, boundaries, shielding

Sagittarius- speaking your mind, social justice

Capricorn- wealth, gift-giving, binding up old wounds



Saturn in Sagittarius (House 9) trine Uranus in Aries (House 12)

Jupiter in Libra (House 6) opposite Uranus in Aries (House 12)

Your restless spirit feels stifled by forced holiday socializing, but think of it this way: It’s an opportunity to meet and interact with people you may never get to know otherwise. You may feel profound insight around the Christmas dinner table. Unfortunately, your epiphany could cause tensions to run high. For best results, find a compromise between accommodating your loved one's needs and expressing your individuality. You can do both.


Saturn in Sagittarius, (House 8) trine Uranus in Aries, (House 12)

Jupiter in Libra, (House 6) opposite Uranus in Aries, (House 12)

You're naturally rooted in the origins of the holiday season, but this year, you feel the blood of the winter festivals pumping in your veins. On Saturday Saturn and Uranus sync in your houses that are both connected to past lives, setting off bells that you may have heard before, long ago. You will feel at home with your past holiday traditions in a way you haven’t felt in a very long time. The season will be an island of soothing calm in the turbulent sea of international politics.


Saturn in Sagittarius, (House 7) trine Uranus in Aries, (House 11)

Jupiter in Libra, (House 5) opposite Uranus in Aries, (House 11)

This week is about your wider social circle of acquaintances, old lovers, work friends, and the folks you sometimes overlook. You will find that you are forced to interact with these people in a new, more meaningful way. Though you’re often sociable, those interactions can be skin deep. But, those around you love you. They seek to look past your surface nature and see your second true self. You can often be a tourist in the lives of others, but you will likely be forced to feel more than curiosity this week.



Saturn in Sagittarius, (House 6) trine Uranus in Aries, (House 10)

Jupiter in Libra, (House 4) opposite Uranus in Aries, (House 10)

You, the steady Cancer, have begun to surprise the people around you. Though you are always intuitive, your ability to understand others has been downright spooky this holiday season. The holidays are a rough time for many people, and the current political climate isn’t helping. But, your empathy and loving presence is a salve for your friends and loved ones. Do what you do best, and invite them into your warm home for a lovely holiday meal that they won’t soon forget.



Saturn in Sagittarius, (House 5) trine Uranus in Aries, (House 9)

Jupiter in Libra, (House 3) opposite Uranus in Aries, (House 9)

Depending on where you are in your life, you may find yourself divinely inspired, or in the midst of a creative or romantic conflict. Your peers may be jealous of your ability to relentlessly crank out good ideas as they are checking out for the holidays. Long-smoldering resentments may explode. Or, these new ideas might explode outward, paving the way for your successes in 2017. Either way, you’ll find delight in the pleasures of the season: good food, good drink, and nice things.



Saturn in Sagittarius, (House 4) trine Uranus in Aries, (House 8)

Jupiter in Libra, (House 2) opposite Uranus in Aries, (House 8)

As you are surrounded by family and friends, something you have hidden will come to light. Though you might view this loss of personal control as negative, this revelation will lead to a positive end, regardless of the secret. You will feel free, and you, the ultimate spin master, will have a chance to bend this escaped information and its reception to your benefit.



Saturn in Sagittarius, (House 3) trine Uranus in Aries, (House 7)

Jupiter in Libra, (House 1) opposite Uranus in Aries, (House 7)

For all your diplomatic skills, you are struggling to communicate with your mate. Though things are going swimmingly in your professional life, you just can’t get through to your partner, or perhaps the two of you have a fundamental disagreement that can’t simply be negotiated away. Fear not, for these things, pass as suddenly as they arise, and such an incident will not overshadow your holiday revelry.



Saturn in Sagittarius, (House 2) trine Uranus in Aries, (House 6)

Jupiter in Libra, (House 12) opposite Uranus in Aries, (House 6)

You feel as though your pursuits lack meaning, or that perhaps your spirituality is languishing. You are in a difficult spot, with external factors such as your health contributing to this feeling of aimlessness. This is the ebb of your creative cycle, Scorpio. To feel creative meaning again, you must feel a lack of it. It is this restlessness that spurs you on. You long to feel that meaning, and so you drive yourself towards it.



Saturn in Sagittarius, (House 1) trine Uranus in Aries, (House 5)

Jupiter in Libra, (House 11) opposite Uranus in Aries, (House 5)

The holidays pull you towards your social responsibilities. You love the bright lights, the sweet drinks, and the loud conversations, but you like your socializing like you like everything else: however the hell you want it. You feel a childish yet certainly not unfamiliar urge to rebel, to show up late, to open presents out of order, to drink too much, to dart out during dinner for a smoke. This might all seem trivial, but this is your annual struggle. Do what you always do -- ride it out as best you can. You’re going to have fun along the way, and it’ll be over before you know it.



Saturn in Sagittarius, (House 12) trine Uranus in Aries, (House 4)

Jupiter in Libra, (House 10) opposite Uranus in Aries, (House 4)

Your might lose a bit of hold over your tightly controlled image this week. It is likely that a mother figure will reveal a bit of embarrassing information at a holiday gathering, interrupting your all-important privacy. Resist the urge to make a scene, as this will only further chip away at your image and privacy. Remember that no one thinks about these things quite as much as you do, Capricorn



Saturn in Sagittarius, (House 11) trine Uranus in Aries, (House 3)

Jupiter in Libra, (House 9) opposite Uranus in Aries, (House 3)

This is a good week to be you, Aquarius. You will meet new interesting people, and they will impact you in such a way that you let your guard down. You will experience a grand intellectual engagement that will stick with you for some time. The friendship might just stick too. This experience will help you mature your worldview, and you’ll feel the better for it.



Saturn in Sagittarius, (House 10) trine Uranus in Aries, (House 2)

Jupiter in Libra, (House 8)  opposite Uranus in Aries, (House 2)

Over the holidays, your public image will feel at odds with your inner demons, specifically those from your past. This time of year, you find yourself in the company of family members and old friends -- the people who have seen you grow, and who have seen you at our worst and most vulnerable. You might find it hard to summon the strength that you showcase in your public self, but that strength is not just a facade you’ve constructed. It truly belongs to you.